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Amy's Never Done

Amy's Never Done

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Amy Geib—owner of Always Never Done, a repurposed furniture parlour located in Salunga—was an x-ray technologist until just a month before her shop opened. Now the shop is just over two years old and when you experience the simultaneous beauty and utility, as well as the great popularity of her work, it is difficult to believe that Geib wasn’t simply born repurposing old furniture. 

Art was always a part of her life, however, as she originally attended art restoration school before switching paths to enter the medical field. Her art education taught her to restore old paintings, murals, and statues and allowed her to travel throughout Europe. Perhaps it was this love of restoration that led to the spark of an idea that would become Always Never Done, the shop. That idea? A blog of the same name. 

Five years ago, after attending a conference for bloggers and DIY-ers, Geib began to document her own experiences flipping what others might consider roadside trash, and turning it into lovely, modernized vintage furniture and décor. Her original designs and unique vision got her noticed, with a blog post teaching her readers how to make a “$25 Sofa Table” being picked up by HGTV, The Home Depot, and PopSugar, among others. Meant to fit into the narrow space between the back of a sofa and the wall, this easy to do, totally ingenious tutorial struck a chord. 

What sets Always Never Done apart is Geib’s conviction that every single piece sold in her shop, “has to look good, be durable, and be affordable. It has to be all three of those things, or it’s useless.” The shop sells Geib’s work, of course, but also the workmanship of 23 other women and a husband and wife team. The space feels like a well-decorated friend’s home, with plenty of repurposed furniture and home décor in a wide variety of styles spread throughout. 

Always Never Done is the perfect place to find that piece of furniture you’ve been looking for. But, on the off chance that you can’t find the dresser or kitchen table of your dreams in the shop, Geib will gladly work with you to select the ideal paint or hardware colors to update a piece you already have sitting around your home, or even something she has stumbled upon in her travels that might be impeccable with the right vision and a little TLC. She’ll even search for the right custom piece for you, if she doesn’t already have it in stock. 

At Always Never Done, you are not just buying a piece of furniture. Amy Geib will work with you in whatever way you need to ensure the story being told in your home is the right one for you. Trust me, I have never walked out of the shop empty handed… and my repurposed 1920s cedar wardrobe is the coolest thing in my apartment, by far. 

Always Never Done


101 W. Main Street, Unit B   




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