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I Want To Look Better!

I Want To Look Better!

Now Tell Me How, When, And For How Much


One’s appearance can be enhanced in as little as one day to one week for treatments like makeup, microdermabrasion, chemical peel, and dermaplaning. But a more significant change could easily  involve two to four months with either one or more treatments.

In the world of in-office cosmetic treatments there is a large contingent that want to have cosmetic treatments for a special reason, such as a wedding, reunion, or vacation.  For this group, timing is everything. That would mean scheduling a consultation to collaborate with either your favorite aesthetic physician or aesthetician to create a customized plan and budget. Hopefully the expectation will be equal to the time allotted for the desired result.

It’s good to understand that cosmetic treatments rarely act alone when it comes to achieving ultimate improvement. Actually, it is the body’s healing response to the stimulation initiated by the treatments that creates the magic! The only exception to this rule is Botox and traditional dermal fillers, like Juvéderm, and Restylane for example. With IPL, laser treatments, micro-needling, Sculptra, Kybella, Ulthera and SculpSure, the benefits are time dependent, so you can see why pre- planning is very important.

Cosmetic treatments can be affordable with some smart planning. Now, here is the good news: we are doing something we have never done before during the summer. Medical Cosmetics is aggressively pricing our hot treatments with some never-before-seen prices. We are drastically lowering our all our laser treatments, IPL, SculpSure, Ulthera, MiraDry and more during these weeks through September! Also, our in-stock retail products have been reduced 20% through the end of August (excluding Latisse). We carry only medical grade skin care products and makeup that is chosen by our medical aesthetician with 15 years of experience. Michelle will analyze your skin and offer recommendations for results that cannot be matched with over the counter cosmetics.

So whatever your goals are, immediate or in the future, now is the time to seize the moment and call our friendly office for a complimentary consultation and for the details of this unprecedented event at our office. Allow us to help you achieve your beauty goals at a reduced cost.

We look forward to working with you for a great result.

By William A. Carter

William A. Carter, MD
Michelle C. Phillips, LME
Medical Cosmetics, LLC

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