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We are a lifestyle magazine serving the people of Lancaster, PA

What Lancaster Means To Me:

What Lancaster Means To Me:

“Amber Lancaster” Amber Strazzo

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As a little girl from Queens, Amber Strazzo always loved Lancaster city. The diversity, walkability and culture intrigued her from a young age, though she always imagined she’d move back to New York after her family relocated to East Lampeter when she was five. After attending college at Millersville University, Strazzo realized Lancaster offered the best of both worlds: the city experience without the expense and hassle of larger metropolitan areas. Strazzo planted roots, eventually purchasing her home on North Mulberry in 2015, and has become a household name in the city she fell in love with so many years ago.

For those who aren’t familiar, Strazzo is often known by her moniker, “Amber Lancaster,” the title of her Facebook page that’s become a go-to source for everyone who has a question about, well, anything happening downtown. 

Strazzo works as the Communications Manager in the Mayor’s office, supporting everything including Administrative Services, Public Works, Community Planning & Economic Development, Neighborhood Engagement, Fire, and sometimes Police, along with the department’s Public Information Officer, Lt. Bill Hickey. She also manages the city’s social media presence, maintains the website, writes press releases, works with the media, livestream meetings, and that’s not even everything. Needless to say, Strazzo is at the pulse of Lancaster — at all times. 

Though she’s always working behind-the-scenes (or really, screens) the best known aspect of her job is essentially being a medium through which officials and citizens can communicate. For Strazzo, the position exemplifies everything that’s great about Lancaster. “I’m involved in two national government communication organizations and communication staff from other cities are often shocked to find out that residents know who I am and contact me directly, but to me, putting a face to the position and really humanizing it feels right for Lancaster,” she said. “I may be a public servant, but I’m also your neighbor. People shouldn’t feel like they’re talking to a computer when they contact the City through social media.”

She continued to say that helping people solve issues is fulfilling, and she loves to be able to affect someone’s quality of life. With that said, working nonstop doesn’t come without its cons. “My job never really stops, so having some physical separation allows me to unplug every once in a while,” Strazzo explains. “Burnout is a real issue in the social media field. People can be downright mean from behind the safety of a computer screen, and the constant negativity can be exhausting. That’s one of the serious downsides of my job. On the other hand, I have met so many great neighbors through my position and really enjoy when I meet residents face-to-face and can build a connection with them offline.”

That connection is one of Strazzo’s favorite parts of city life. She also loves her house. “It was a beauty parlor before I bought it, and my dad helped me convert it back into a home. My boyfriend, Jeff, and his cat, Vincent, just moved in with me and my Boston terrier, Doug,” she shared. “I can get almost anything I need within a 5 minute walk – groceries, craft beer and cider, food from a dozen local restaurants, clothes, art. The world can be so overwhelming sometimes, so having everything so close to home makes it feel a little bit smaller and safer,” she added.

When she’s not behind-the-screens, you can find Strazzo spending her days off at Central Market, volunteering at a stand, grabbing lunch downtown, or shopping on Queen St. Describing her perfect day in Lancaster, Strazzo explains that community is always part of it. “We always run into a few people we know along the way,” she explains, before adding that she loves to grab a drink at Levengoods, stop for some odds and ends at Lemon St. Market, or spend the evening at Zoetropolis or Decades.

In the years that Strazzo has lived and worked here, she’s fallen in love with the city. “I can’t really imagine myself anywhere else,” she said. “Lancaster just feels different – it’s hard to put into words. I love to travel but no matter where I go I’m always silently comparing it to Lancaster.”

By: Brianna Wiest

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