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Marietta: Personality, Pride, and Potential

Marietta: Personality, Pride, and Potential

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Situated on the east bank of the Susquehanna River—just north of Columbia—exists a suburban borough of Lancaster County called Marietta. Known for its rich historic charm and beautiful natural landscapes, modern day Marietta is teeming with personality, pride, and potential. 

Founded in 1812, the incorporated borough of Marietta began as a successful industrial town fed by river traffic for iron foundries, lumber yards, and shingle factories. By the nineteenth century, the small suburb was nicknamed “Little Pittsburg” for its booming pig iron production and series of local taverns built to cater to traveling crews. Unfortunately, railroad use eventually lessened and the industry in Marietta began to change. 

Luckily, however, Marietta proved to be much more than just a transportation hub. In fact, in 1882, Marietta physician D.M. Alexander utilized antibodies from a cow he had infected with  smallpox to produce a vaccine for humans. In just over a decade, Alexander’s Lancaster County Vaccine Farm became the largest in the world, producing more smallpox vaccines than all other vaccine establishments in the United States. Over the years, Alexander’s original endeavor has evolved and seen a series of new owners. Today, London pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline has added Marietta to its global network.  

With a population of just around 3,000 people, the modern day borough of Marietta maintains much of the quiet allure and historic construction it’s had since the late 1800s. Less than 30 minutes from downtown Lancaster, this quaint town offers close proximity to the bustle of a city, while still allowing for a picturesque outdoor experience in breathtaking locations like the Northwest Lancaster County River Trail, Chickies Rock Park, and even the Cherry Trees on Front Street. For many, the river represents a unique opportunity for a revival, with Marietta growing out of its industrial roots and into its own, as an ideal destination for hikers, bikers, and nature buffs. 

Ultimately, however, preservation remains at the heart of Marietta’s story. As a result, hundreds of homes and properties have been restored throughout the town, in order to maintain the community’s more than 200 year old charm. 


By Sam Maracic

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