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The Last Five Years

The Last Five Years

The Last Five Years is the story of a dissolving relationship, told from two different perspectives and on two different timelines. The musical chronicles the last half-decade in a couple’s time together, with one story beginning just after the couple has met and the other being told as they divorce. Just once do the two main characters meet and interact directly—in the middle, during their engagement. 

Now, The Last Five Years is coming to the Susquehanna Stage in Marietta. The lead roles—Cathy and Jamie—will be embodied by Lancasterian actors Adam and Alyssa Dienner...who also happen to be a married couple themselves. FLL spoke to Adam and Alyssa about the show, what is been like to play unhappily married while actually being happily married, and an important upcoming anniversary. 

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As actors, why did you connect with The Last Five Years? Why this play—and why now? 

Adam: I love to be part of a show that takes the audience on a journey. The music in The Last Five Years is beautiful, and the story is just heartbreakingly real. This show has been one of my favorites for a long time, and I’m really looking forward to sharing Jamie and Cathy’s story with the audience.

Alyssa: For me, this show is a chance to challenge myself as an actor in many ways. Adam and I spend most of the show performing our respective scenes alone, which puts a lot of pressure on both of us to solely captivate the audience. The characters have to deal with a vast range of emotion throughout the show, while remaining sincere and relatable. We’ve wanted to do this show for years, but haven’t had the opportunity until now. It’s a happy coincidence that the March 14th performance happens to fall on our actual five-year anniversary. Even though we’re acting as two people who are not able to make a marriage work, it’s nice for us to celebrate our anniversary doing the thing that brought us together in the first place (we met doing theatre together). 

You’re happily married off-stage. Has it been challenging to embody two characters' whose relationship is dissolving?

Adam: It is new to me to portray a character like Jamie because he’s a selfish narcissist, and his tendencies and mannerisms embody the exact opposite type of person that I am. That being said, it’s been a fun challenge getting to play Jamie because I get to step outside of my comfort zone and I’ve been growing as an actor through this role. Being in a committed marriage has definitely brought a different intensity to our character development, but we’re finding it to be a rewarding experience. It’s been helpful to be able to bounce ideas off each other, and we’ve been able to find different sides of our characters by discussing the show together.   

Alyssa: It has been challenging to embody a couple whose marriage is dissolving. Adam and I have our quarrels, but there’s never a moment where we feel like the other is going to walk out the door. It’s hard to portray being in a relationship that isn’t working out and not get too distraught imagining it as your own. After each rehearsal, we use the drive home to decompress and separate the show from our lives.

How do you hope audiences feel as they walk away after this show? 

Adam: This show has the potential to give audience members the chance to examine their own relationships and their own selves. It is a rare piece of theatre that actually shows the struggles of a real marriage, and the ups and downs of career paths, as opposed to a typical “fluff” musical that includes a fairy tale ending. We hope each person who attends the show is impacted in some way by seeing the ways that both Jamie and Cathy have wronged each other. There are many lessons to be learned through this musical, and our hope is that everyone can walk away with a different perspective than they had before they entered the theatre. 

Anything else you'd like FLL readers to know? 

Adam: Even though our performances take place over three days, I’m very excited that we get to perform on the evening of our real-life five-year anniversary, which is March 14th. 

Alyssa: The show only consists of two characters, but the story follows their perspectives through two timelines. Cathy’s perspective goes from the end of the five years backwards to the beginning, and Jamie’s goes forward from beginning to end. Hopefully, we do a good enough job that it’s easy enough to follow and everyone enjoys the show.

Purchase your tickets for The Last Five Years here, through Susquehanna Stage’s Facebook page, or by calling the theater at (717) 426-1277. Adam and Alyssa will be performing three shows from March 13-15, with 7:30 PM shows on Friday, 3/13 and Saturday, 3/14, and a 2 PM matinee on Sunday, 3/15. Performances are held at Susquehanna Stage (133 W. Market Street, Marietta). This show was dual-cast; the second cast will be performing from March 20-22.

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