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We are a lifestyle magazine serving the people of Lancaster, PA

Attollo Prep

Attollo Prep

“Change occurs when we commit to inspiring and empowering others.” 

Attollo (Latin: Rise Up) is a forward-thinking, yet historically informed organization that unifies high school students from all backgrounds to build a pipeline of diverse leaders. Through educational empowerment, we aim to play our part in ensuring a world whose fabric has been rewoven with threads of equity and inclusion. 

Utilizing our partnerships with school districts throughout Lancaster County, we help support success-oriented students in their pursuit of academic achievement, empowerment, and social engagement. Our programs are focused on guiding our scholars through introspection, identifying their vision for college and beyond, and becoming contributing members of society.

Looking ahead, there are many advancements on the horizon. We are now partnering with ten different school districts throughout the Lancaster community and even expanding into York; this will be our largest class of students yet!

If you are looking to support the college access and leadership development programming we offer to students in our community, keep us in mind as we take on the Extraordinary Give here in Lancaster! Additionally, there are many opportunities to aid the work we do through community partnerships and fundraising campaigns. For more information contact our Director of Development, Kendall Zeswitz, at kendall@attolloprep.org.

Gifts That Give Hope Alternative Gift Fair

Gifts That Give Hope Alternative Gift Fair

Lancaster LGBTQ+ Coalition

Lancaster LGBTQ+ Coalition